
Trusting God requires your total dependence on Him alone. This depth of trust is the highway to continuous triumph. On the other hand, placing your trust in money more so than in God will
lead to your destruction.




      1. Supernatural intervention only manifests for those who rest in God.

      1. You give your offerings joyfully and without fear, because you know that God is your Source (Psalm 20:1-9).

    2. Trust is eternal and everlasting.

    3. It demands the supernatural empowerment of God to operate in your life.

    4. When you trust God, you can rest in Him.

    5. Being a giver demonstrates your trust in God.

      1. The issue is trust, not money; God wants to see where your heart is (Luke 16:11).

      1. Your heart must be toward God, not your possessions.

      2. God wants you to be His distribution center.

    2. The kingdom of God means “God’s system of operation,” not “heaven.”

    3. The wrong relationship with money will keep your heart from God.
    4. When your trust is in riches, you will fall (Proverbs 11:28, AMP).

    5. When your trust is in money, God will withdraw your money to the point that you will have to depend on Him for every meal.

    6. God will not allow money to replace Him in your life.

    1. When your trust is in God, your heart is established and secure.

    2. God directs your path when your trust is in Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

    3. Trust is an expression of your commitment to God.

  2. Trusting God empowers you to prosper (Jeremiah 17:7).
  3. It is difficult to enter into God’s kingdom when your trust is in riches (Mark 10:17-24).
  4. Money is uncertain (1 Timothy 6:17).
    1. God and His Word are what make you rich.

      1. It can buy medicine, but it can’t buy healing.

      2. It can buy a house, but it can’t buy a home.

      1. He wants to do more than just meet your needs; He wants you to enjoy life.

      2. God gives you things simply because He wants you to enjoy them.

    2. If you become prideful, you will think you no longer need God’s way; then you’ll have your own way—money.

    3. Don’t be deceived by money.

    4. Trust in the Living God—He desires to do great things in your life.

    5. Placing your trust in things rather than in God will cause you to betray Him (Job 31:24).

  5. Your heart must be firmly fixed, trusting in the Lord (Psalm 112:7-10).

Scripture References:

  • Jeremiah 17:7
  • Mark 10:17
  • Proverbs 11:28, AMP
  • 1 Timothy 6:17
  • Job 31:24

  • Psalm 112:7-10
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • Luke 16:11
  • Psalm 20:1-9

Pastor Robert Bagonza

Redeemed Church