
It is God's will for you to live a long, healthy and happy life, but long life is a decision that you have to make. Watch your words and only speak those things that will contribute to long
life. Your mouth holds the key to covenant longevity.

  1. Long life is your covenant right.
    1. God wants you to live a multitude of days (Zechariah 8:4).
    2. Just as in times of old, in the end times death will lose its grip on both the young and the old.
    3. You can die at a good old age if you choose (Genesis 15:15).
    4. The minimum age a person should live is 70 years (Psalm 90:10).
    5. David died at a good old age; he was full and satisfied with days
      (1 Chronicles 29:26-28).
    6. Life should be good when you get old.
    7. When you seek God, you will not lack any good thing, including old age (Psalm 34:10).
      1. You never waste time when you seek God.
      2. Seeking God positions you to experience covenant longevity.

  2. Long life is a choice (Deuteronomy 30:19).
    1. Gratefulness for life expands your capacity to receive more life.
    2. It is up to you to determine the maximum number of years that you live past 70.
    3. Taking communion opens the door to long life (John 6:48-50).
    4. Every person should have a "secret place" where they go to meet with God and call upon Him.
      1. King Hezekiah called on God and God granted Him more years to live (Isaiah 38:1-5).
      2. When you get a bad report from a doctor, call upon God. Remind Him of the promises found in His Word.
        1. God will extend your life; He is a covenant-keeping God.
      3. You must have confidence when you call on God.
        1. God will grant you long life and show you His salvation when you call on Him with confidence (Psalm 91:15, 16).
        2. Call on God when you are in trouble.
    5. Stephen made a decision to die while he was being stoned
      (Acts 7:59, 60).
    6. The Apostle Paul was stoned and had many opportunities to choose death, but he knew that he had not completed his assignment in life (Acts 14:19; 2
      Corinthians 11:23-31).
    7. Operating in wickedness will decrease your longevity.

  3. There are covenant requirements for longevity (Psalm 91:1-16).
    1. You must dwell in the secret place of the Most High.
      1. When you stay in the secret place of God, you will receive secrets.
      2. The secrets that God reveals to you are for you and your children (Deuteronomy 29:29).
      3. God will give you secrets to living a long life.
      4. Truth is revelation knowledge given to you from God that will show you how to live a long life (John 8:32).
      5. When you get in God's presence, supernatural things will happen in your life.
      6. Don't wait for things to go wrong before you seek the Lord.
    2. Speak long life.
      1. You must speak what you want to see become a reality in your life.
      2. Don't have doubt in your heart (Mark 11:23).
      3. Feed your faith and starve your doubts.
      4. Angels will go to work to divinely rearrange things so that your words come to pass.
      5. Your words will bring you long life (Proverbs 18:21;
        Psalm 34:12, 13; 1 Peter 3:10).
        1. Don't allow your words to become your enemy
          (Numbers 14:26-28).
        2. You will be judged by your words
          (Matthew 12:36).
        3. Place your order with God and He will fulfill it
          (Psalm 81:10-14).
        4. God will confirm His Word and perform it
          (Isaiah 44:24-26).
        5. Change your circumstances with your words.
        6. When your enemies hear the words you speak from God's Word, they will be defeated (Psalm 18:44, 45).

Scripture References:

  • Zechariah 8:4
  • Genesis 15:15
  • 1 Chronicles 29:26-28
  • Psalm 34:10
  • Deuteronomy 30:19
  • John 6:48-50
  • Isaiah 38:1-5
  • Psalm 91:15, 16
  • Acts 7:59, 60
  • Acts 14:19
  • 2 Corinthians 11:23-31
  • Psalm 91:1-16
  • Deuteronomy 29:29
  • John 8:32
  • Luke 10:19
  • Mark 11:23
  • Proverbs 18:21
  • Numbers 14:26-28
  • Matthew 12:36
  • Psalm 34:12, 13
  • 1 Peter 3:10
  • Psalm 81:10-14
  • Isaiah 44:24-26
  • Psalm 18:44, 45
Pastor Robert Bagonza
Redeemed Church