Christmas Eve Love Feast

December 24, 2010

Each year the church family gathers on Christmas Eve to celebrate Christ's birth and to enjoy a Love Feast. The Christmas story unfolds through Scripture and music, and hot cider and cinnamon rolls are served to the congregation. Candlelight fills the worship center as we end the evening with "Silent Night." The Love Feast will be held during two services December 24 at 6pm and 8pm in the worship center.

Servant hands and willing hearts are needed to help prepare for the Love Feast. Volunteers are needed 4:30-6pm on Christmas Eve to prepare the cider and buns. Youth will have the opportunity to sign up in their Connections classes to serve the congregation at the two services.

Training for the Love Feast preparation team and youth will take place over a pizza lunch on Sunday, December 19.

Contact; Pastor Mugisha Richard